V ProspeCT&I 2015 – Congress of Technological Forecast and Foresight
The event aimed to promote technology-based innovation through intellectual property (IP) and technology transfer (TT) that leads to development and entrepreneurship at the local, regional, national and international levels in the various areas of knowledge.
Impact directly on the Strategic Goals of the CTI PAC, Brazil Maior and its Strategies.
In 2015, two national events were held together:
VIII ENAPID 2015 of the Academy of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI);
V ProspeCT & I 2015 of the NIT-NE Network
In addition, there were:
II Meeting of PPGs on Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Technological Innovation.
II Workshop of Tech Mining.
With the advent of NITs and state and federal policies, and the structuring of Local Innovation Systems comprising several innovation environments such as Incubators, Technological Parks, specialized Nucleus, etc., it is indispensable to provide strategic and competitive intelligence based on technological forecast and foresight.
The event aims to improve the quality of ownership of intellectual property and prevent patents, software, etc. be transferred to society, generating GDP and improving the HDI, accelerating development.
Thus, the actions of NITs and Local Innovation Systems have a continuity and a high degree of sustainability.
The event has as its theme:
Technology Prospecting, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation and Development
Its format is unique in Brazil consisting of:
LECTURES on Use of Technology Prospecting, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation and Development by Experienced Managers.
COORDINATED SESSIONS with technological prospects, on specific topics, submitted by participants of the event.
TRADING SESSIONS by CORPORATE SECTOR of more than 1,000 TECHNOLOGIES to identify opportunities and joint government-business-academia actions, with presence of managers and inventors.
OFFICES / MINI-COURSES HAND-IN-MASS of the necessary tools for the insertion of fact of this paradigm: management of NITs;
FREE TRAINING WITH SOFTWARE for the participants.