VII ProspeCT&I 2017 – VII Congress of Technological Forecast and Foresight
The International Congress of PROFNIT – Professional Master’s Degree Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation
Associated Events:
IV Workshop on Tech Mining and Innovation 2017
IV Encounter of Post-Graduations in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer and Innovation 2017
FORTEC Regional Northeast Meeting
TT Network Forum CYTED-> INOVA
TOPIC: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (PI & TT) – essential attributes of building a competitive country
SUBTOPIC: National ST & I System and use of technology prospecting for technology transfer and innovation
Pre-event: August 14, 2017, FIEB – Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia, Rua Edistio Pondé, 342 – STIEP, SALVADOR – BAHIA. CEP: 41770-395
Event: August 15 to 18, 2017, FIEB – Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia, Rua Edistio Pondé, 342 – STIEP, SALVADOR – BAHIA. CEP: 41770-395
Post-event: August 19, 2017, in the IFBA and UFBA
General programming, certificates and photos
Programming Framework (updated July 26, 17)
Detailed Programming (Updated August 12, 17)
Programming of Hand-in-Mass Workshops and Pedagogical Workshops of PROFNIT (updated on 12 / Aug / 17)
Programming of Oral Presentations and Oral Panels of Pitches (updated 12 / Aug / 17)
Awarded Oral Works (published Aug 18, 17)
Technical File (updated 12 / Aug / 17)
Qualification Banks for Completion of the Course (TCCs) (published on 17 / Aug / 17)
The program of the event had several degrees of technological maturity:
TRL 1-3: scientific (articles, oral pitches)
TRL 4-6: technological development and of TT still with academic bias (negotiation of IP Portfolios, mentoring)
TRL 7-9: finalization of technology (Network TT-> INOVA and others)
TRL 1-9: Strategic traversal (mentoring, actual and potential experience pitches, technological prospecting, conference and international and national invited lectures on the construction of an innovative country and National ST & I System).