VII ProspeCT&I 2018 – International Congress of PROFNIT

Related events:
– Training of SISGEN / MMA
– FORTEC – NE meeting
– V Tech Mining and Innovation Workshop
– V Meeting of Postgraduates in PI & TT and Innovation
– Meeting on internationalization of PROFNIT: ISEG / UL / PT & PROFNIT / FORTEC / BR Chair
– XV Seminar Brazil Portugal (20 and 21 / Aug / 2018)
– August 13 to 16, 2018, FIEA – Federation of Industries of the State of Alagoas, Av. Fernandes Lima, 385 – Farol, Maceió – AL, 57055-000
– August 17 to 18, 2018, SEBRAE Alagoas – R. Dr. Marinho de Gusmão, 46 ​​- Centro, Maceió – AL, 57020-600

General programming, publicity material, certificates and photos

Programming Framework (as at 10 Aug 2018)
Detailed Programming (on Aug 10, 2018)
Programming of the presentations of the works submitted to the event (in 09 / August / 2018)
Awarded Oral Works (coming soon)
Datasheet (Aug 12, 2018)

Welcome letter (Aug 12, 2018)
Books that were released (Aug 14, 2018)

Shoud be asked using the email [email protected]

Detailed programming (lists, presentations and video)
Training in SISGEN / MMA [presentation]
Facilitator: Diego Souza (Ministry of Environment) and Thiago Araújo (Ministry of Environment)

PROFNIT / FORTEC Editorial Board Meeting
Cristina M. Quintella (UFBA, PROFNIT / FORTEC and FORTEC)
Claudio Reynaldo Souza (EDIFBA / IFBA)

Monday, 14/18
Training in SISGEN / MMA [presentation]
Facilitator: Diego Souza (Ministry of Environment) and Thiago Araújo (Ministry of Environment)

FORTEC Fiscal Council meeting in person

PROFNIT National Academic Committee (CAN) face-to-face meeting

Training in SISGEN / MMA [presentation]
Facilitator: Diego Souza (Ministry of Environment) and Thiago Araújo (Ministry of Environment)

Meeting of the PROFNIT Focal Points
Josealdo Tonholo (Focal Point Headquarters: UFAL)
PROFNIT Focal Points Coordination
Interested in creating a PRONIT Focal Point

Office Hand-in-Mass – Cycle of copyright debates
Pierre Barnabé Escodro (UFAL)
Joyce Carolina Lins Guilhermat (PROFNIT)
Bianca Amaro de Melo (IBICT)
Cristiane Cyrino Estevão de Oliveira (UFAL)
Patrícia de Oliveira Areas (UNB)
Pedro Accioly (UFAL)

Wednesday, 15ago18
FORTEC-NE meeting
Vivianni Marques Leite dos Santos (UNIVASF, FORTEC)
Sérgio Ribeiro de Aguiar (UFPE, FORTEC)

Hand-in-Mass Workshop – CT & I Current Panorama and the role of PI & TT
Maria das Graças Ferraz Bezerra (MPEG, Technical Director of FORTEC)
Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo (UESC, Technical Director of FORTEC) [presentation]
Wagna Piler Carvalho dos Santos (IFBA, Technical Director of FORTEC)
Ana Lúcia Vitale Torkomian (UFSCar, Technical Director of FORTEC)
Celeste Emerik (FIOCRUZ, FORTEC Advisory Board)
Rita Machado (INPI, FORTEC Advisory Board) [presentation]
Júlio Xandro Heck (IFRS, CONIF) [presentation]
Noélia Falcão (INPA) [presentation]

V Tech Mining and Innovation Workshop
Sílvia Uchoa (UFAL)
Suzana Borschiver (UFRJ)
Débora Leite Ribeiro (CIMATEC / EMBRAPII)

V Meeting of Postgraduate Courses in PI & TT and Innovation
Eduardo Winter (INPI, CAPES) [presentation]
Graça Ferraz (MPEG, FORTEC)

14h: SESSION 1: Plenary of PG courses
Vinicius Nobre Lages (SEBRAE National)
Cristina M. Quintella (UFBA, PROFNIT)
Gabriel Silva (PPGPI of UFS) [presentation]
Zulmara de Carvalho (PPgCTI / UFRN)
José Augusto Ferreira Silva (ProfEPT / IFES)
Lucymara Fassarella Agnez-Lima (RENORBIO, UFRN) [presentation]
Maria Virgínia Borges Amaral (PROPEP / UFAL)

16h: SESSION 2: Internationalization, PROFNIT / FORTEC and ISEG / UL Chair, and new PG models
Arakén Lima (INPI / PROFNIT)
Manuel Mira Godinho (ISEG / Univ. Lisboa)
Hilário Alencar (UFAL, PROFMAT, ABC, SBM)
Aruã Lima (ASI / UFAL)

Launch of the PROFNIT / FORTEC Collection and other books

Opening with authorities Tributes

Magnificent conferences of international experts with wide experience and transversal vision

Álvaro Prata (SETE / MCTIC)
Luiz Otávio Pimentel (INPI)
Manuel Mira Godinho (ISEG/Lisboa)

Thursday, 16ago18
The PROFNIT / FORTEC Network: Highlights
Manuel Mira Godinho (ISEG / PT), Ângelo Legat (UEPG and FORTEC)
TCCs in the PROFNIT Network
About Me
Raquel Beatriz Almeida de Minas
Sandra Malveira
Post-Doctorate in the PROFNIT Network
Marcus Vinícius Dantas Linhares
Célia Regina Simonetti Barbalho
Eduardo Muniz Santana Bastos
Alessandro Aveni

Pitches: Session A

Pitches: Session B

Pitches: Session I

Pitches: Session C

Pitches: Session D

Closing Plenary – The Institutional Challenge to Promote Innovation
View Forum Posts
Luis Afonso Bermudez (PROFNIT / UNB and SEBRAE-DF)
José Ricardo Santana (Director of CNPq) [presentation]
Fábio Guedes (President of FAPEAL)

Thursday, 17/18
Pitches: Session E

Pitches: Session F

Coordinated Session – University and / or company

Workshop Hand-in-Mass – Roadmaps
Suzana Borschiver (UFRJ)
Fernanda Cardoso (UFRJ)
Aline Tavares (UFRJ)

Hand-in-the-Mass Workshop – Geographical Indications
Kelly Lissandra Bruch (UFRGS, PROFNIT-IFRS)

PROFNI / FORTEC Academic Accompaniment Committee (CAA) pedagogical workshop

G-Session Pitches

Pitches Session H

Workshop Hand-in-Mass – Roadmaps
Suzana Borschiver (UFRJ)
Fernanda Cardoso (UFRJ)
Aline Tavares (UFRJ)

Hand-in-the-Mass Workshop – ICTs Innovation Policies
Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo (UESC, FORTEC)
Juliana Crepalde (UFMG)
Edilson Pedro (MCTIC)

Oficina Mano-na-Massa – Creative Commons
Jamilla Almeida (PROFNITUFAL)

Professional PhD from PROFNIT / FORTEC

Hand-on-the-Dough Workshop – Orbit® Questel
Henry Suzuki

Hand-in-the-Body Workshop – Creative and
Suzana Borschiver (UFRJ)
Fernanda Cardoso (UFRJ)
Aline Tavares (UFRJ)

Hand-in-the-Body Workshop – Method of Mentoring and NIT Management
André L. C. Araújo (IFCE)

Hand-in-the-Mass Workshop – Use of technology prospecting
Núbia Ribeiro (IFBA) [presentation]


The inscription consists of the steps:
1 – Make your registration in the link available (click here!);
2 – To deposit the registration in favor of the National Forum of Managers of Innovation and Technology Transfer (CNPJ: 15.258.821 / 0001-08), Banco do Brasil, Agency: 2798-7, C / C: 40.195-1 need a ticket, please send an email to [email protected]);
3 – The enrollee sends proof of payment to [email protected].
4 – The organization of the event sends e-mail acknowledging receipt of the payment and effecting the registration.

Fill in your registration form here
Choose the mode that interests you.
Full papers will be preferred and confirmed in a stream, after submissions are made by the interested parties.

EXTENDED UP TO Sunday, 08 / July / 2018 30 / jun / 2018 [CLOSED]
PROFNIT CBT highlights selected by CAIs (Special Session)
Submission of summaries of the PROFNIT CBT Highlights selected by the IAC for the special session.
1. Ask your CAI if your already defended CBT was selected because it had a high impact.
2. Complete the Pitche Submission Form (click here);
3. Wait 10 days for the response email about presentation at the event.

EXTENDED UP TO Sunday, 08 / July / 2018 30 / jun / 2018 [CLOSED]
Full Works (first priority)
Submissions of full papers for complete articles in indexed journal:
1. Read the Guidelines for Authors;
2. Use the template;
3. Access the magazine Cadernos de Prospecção;
4. Submit your work by choosing Section ProspeCT & I;
5. Wait 10 days for the response email about presentation at the event;
6. The work will continue to be evaluated in the dark to be published in the journal Cadernos de Prospecção.

EXTENDED UP TO Sunday, 08 / July / 2018 30 / jun / 2018 [CLOSED]
Pitches summaries (second priority)
Submissions of summaries of pitches on intellectual property, transfer and technology and actions aimed at innovation.
1. Complete the Pitche Submission Form (click here);
2. Wait for the response email about presentation at the event. Preference will be given to the presentation of full papers and the PROFNIT CBT Highlights selected by the CAI. The Pitches summaries will then be selected and the responsible author will be informed until 15 / Jul / 2018.

EXTENDED UP TO Sunday, 08 / July / 2018 30 / jun / 2018 [CLOSED]
Book Launch Requests.
The responsible should send the request by email to [email protected]

Location, Lodging
It was carried out in the city of Maceió, AL, Brazil.
Some options are:

Hotel Escuna Praia (
Address: Av. João Davino, 584 – Jatiúca, Maceió – AL, 57037-000
Phone: (82) 3325-5070
Hotel Porto Jatiúca (
Email: [email protected]
Address: Av. Dr. Júlio Marques Luz, 209 – Jatiúca, Maceió – AL, 57035-180